Asbestos Diseases Foundation of Australia Video
Effects of Mesothelioma (Asbestos Disease)
Also known as asbestos disease, mesothelioma is a rare, but very aggressive form of cancer that when contracted can be difficult to overcome. This is because there is no cure for mesothelioma. Most who contract asbestos disease will succumb to it within a short period of time. Of those who do surpass expectations, many will lose a lung, kidney, or suffer from detrimental health issues for the rest of their lives.
It is the awareness of this disease over the past few decades that has led to accelerated efforts of asbestos removal from older buildings. During this time, new methods of inspection, identification, and removal have led to safe means of ridding the substance from all types of buildings.
Use of Asbestos
Until the late 1970s, asbestos was a commonly used material for fireproofing factories, facilities, commercial structures, and even some residences. The fireproofing qualities of asbestos are considerable, but it was only in the 1970s that asbestos disease was really starting to be noticed.
While most people associate asbestos disease with factory workers, carpenters, and the like, there is a growing number of everyday people who have also contracted the disease due to the renovation of homes. When renovation occurs, the asbestos present may dislodge with particles becoming airborne and affects those who live in the newly renovated property.
The disease is caused by the entry of asbestos particles into the lungs where they lodge themselves along the lining. Over time, the damage starts to increase which creates the conditions for mesothelioma to being. Currently, it is believed that only long term exposure to asbestos particles causes the disease, but it is possible that short term exposure depending on the circumstances may also create mesothelioma as well.
If you live in a home or work in a building that was built before the late 1970s, then asbestos inspection is warranted as it is possible that the structure still contains the substance. Since most blueprints or information about structures is limited in terms of what materials were used in the construction, an asbestos specialist will need to inspect the property.
Proper Asbestos Disposal
Asbestos is usually found wrapped around pipes and ventilation systems to tamp down the heat which helps prevent fires from starting. However, it can also be found in the walls or ceiling as a form of general insulation. Once it has been detected, asbestos removal procedures can begin.
The procedure generally starts with isolating the areas in which the asbestos has been found. At this point, the asbestos specialist and technicians wearing masks and full body protection suits and gear carefully remove the substance from the building. The work can be slow, but the point is to have full asbestos removal from the area.
Once the asbestos clearance is completed, a final inspection is performed. If the building is clear, then the areas can be re-opened and used normally. The asbestos itself is transported to a pre-designated location for proper destruction.
The only known way to properly deal with mesothelioma today is effective asbestos removal that prevents the disease from starting in the first place.