Asbestos is a dangerous material that was commonly used in construction throughout Australia until the late 1980s. Although it has been banned since 2003, asbestos remains present in many older buildings. For tradies, understanding the risks associated with asbestos...
Asbestos presents a significant health hazard when fibres become airborne. If you are renting a commercial space on the Central Coast, it is crucial to understand whether your workspace contains asbestos. This guide will walk you through the process of asbestos...
Asbestos was widely used in building materials until the late 1980s. Better known for its hazardous health risks, it is important to understand how to detect asbestos in your building. Asbestos remains a common issue in many older homes and commercial buildings across...
When preparing your home for sale, it is crucial to first address any potential asbestos problems. If your home was built before the 1980s, it is more likely to be affected and testing should be prioritised. During this time, asbestos was a very popular building...
Asbestos, once a commonly used building material, is now more known for its serious health risks. As a result, the removal and testing of asbestos has become a top priority for homeowners, tradies, and building companies. When asbestos is mishandled, it can release...
In the 1980s, Australia had one of the highest rates of asbestos per capita in the world. Even today, it is estimated that asbestos is found in 1 in 3 Australian homes. Not only can this material be highly detrimental to physical well-being, but it can also go...